Learn about the brand-new WordPress plugin for Google Web Stories
Google Launches Web Stories Carousel on Discover in India, Brazil, and the US . Recently, Google released a new version of a WordPress plugin that would redefine what "bite-sized" content is. The recently developed Web stories are a succinct, precise content structure that gives users the most concise information. If you wish to republish your work because you find it to be inspirational, make sure to do it on authoritative websites. By doing this, potential syndication partners can find it and, if the material appeals to them, they might contact you. What Are The Web Stories? Google owns and controls Google Web Stories, which are powered by AMP technology. You can host these immersive, full-screen experiences on your own website. A rich visual narrative style for mobile devices called Web Stories allows for swipeable navigation. Web Stories provide a full-screen experience with the ability to include any kind of information. Web Stories are open and available for free distri...