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Why is Node Js popular among startups?

  Node.js   is an open-source runtime environment. Because of this, Node.js excels at developing fast, flexible network applications and offers speed, performance, and other advantages. Node.js is exceptionally fast in multi-user data-related situations, making it perfect for processing, consuming and managing information in real-time. That’s why many startups are adopting it in their operations. Due to its ease of use and open-source nature (and the fact that it’s built on JavaScript, the most popular programming language used by Web developers), founders are always choosing Node. Js as their technology stack. In addition to growing and proving their worth earlier, young companies can now grow with Node. Js. Here are 7 factors that make Node.js ideal Easy to master Node.js has a relatively short learning curve. If you’ve mastered JavaScript and Object-Oriented Programming basics, you should be able to learn Node.js fairly easily. After that, it’s easy to get started. Maintain...